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273 Commitments

3 Million





Universities, districts, policymakers and organizations joined our 2021 campaign. 

Learn more about the campaign or navigate the Data Science for Everyone Commitments Directory below to see how districts, universities, states, companies and organizations are all committing to actions that promote data literacy. 

Find potential collaborators, as well as resources and opportunities including free licenses, learning activities, data sets and programs that you can join or use in your data science education practice.

EdTech Recharge

EdTech Recharge commits to encouraging its clients (early and growth stage edtech entrepreneurs), as appropriate, to report actionable data back to stakeholders, particularly learners, within the tool embedding a culture of data-enhanced decision-making at every level.

Tools & software;
Raising awareness;

Educate Ventures Research

Educate Ventures Research commits to:
1) Providing free AI Readiness Training to all Edtech companies that join our London Based Research Accelerator programme.
2) Developing an online AI Readiness Training programme to be made available online at no cost to any educator within 1 year of making this commitment.

Professional development; Guidance

Education Trust-West

The Education Trust-West commits to providing recommendations to the CA Instructional Quality Commission to ensure that the data science chapter of the CA Math Framework (under revision) includes practices to ensure equitable access to high-quality data science learning opportunities for all students, by September 2021.


Epistemological Engineering (eeps media)

Epistemological Engineering (a.k.a. “eeps media”) commits to extending “Awash in Data,” an existing, evolving, free online resource for data science education by 31 December 2021. We will incorporate additional classroom-tested assignments that go beyond the first introductory activities present in the original e-book. The result will contain enough material to form the backbone of a semester-long course of study.

Learning activities & resources

Georgia State University

Georgia State University (GSU) commits to producing and delivering self-paced, online courses that provide micro-credentials in data science to pre-service and in-service K-12 teachers, locally and nationally - and with a curriculum that demonstrates the value and relevance of data literacy concepts across STEM, social science, business, and humanities disciplines, and that prepares teachers to share these concepts with their students in middle school and beyond.

Professional development

Great Oaks Foundation

Great Oaks Foundation commits to building the capacity of teacher teams at Great Oaks New York City and Great Oaks Bridgeport to use our integrated data system to make informed decisions in service of improving outcomes for young people by June 2022.

Professional development

Headwaters Science Institute

Headwaters Science Institute commits to continuing to incorporate the importance of data science and related techniques into all of our student programs, including the upcoming Headwaters Research Experience beginning in June 2021.

Student programs, an education design collaborative, commits to supporting Data Science for Everyone by (1) signing petitions, (2) messaging support via our Twitter account, and (3) offering a free Data Literacy course through our website no later than August 30, 2021.

Raising awareness;
Curriculum & courses

Education Development Center (EDC)

The Education Development Center (EDC) commits to:
1) Promoting a coordinated response to the need for computer science opportunities for all students, with a focus on those most underrepresented in STEM, by documenting and broadcasting a data science learning timeline that extends from preK to postsecondary settings by July 2021.
2) Documenting and broadcasting learning trajectories for each grade or grade band (preK, elementary, middle school, high school/community college) by August 2021.
3) Developing a guidance document for educators seeking information about how to engage with data science, including grade-specific information about EDC programs available by October 2021.
4) Working with school-based partners across EDC programs to review and ensure the relevance of a guidance document that will be freely available to download by December 2021.


Educational Testing Service

Ed Dieterle and Chris Dede, of the Educational Testing Service, commit to publishing a blog on the cyclical effects of ethical decisions involving big data and digital learning platforms by September 30, 2021.

Raising awareness

Foundation For Excellence In Education

The Foundation for Excellence in Education commits to:
1) Launching a policy campaign and developing resources such as a 50 state landscape analysis to spur policy change and/or influence the narrative.
2) Hosting a strategy session or keynote at ExcelinEd's National Summit in Orlando, FL in November 2021.
3) Introducing data science to members of ExcelinEd's Innovation Network.

Raising awareness;

Global EdTech

Global EdTech commits to sharing information about the movement on our site and social media to help reach a global audience.

Raising awareness

Gulf Of Maine Research Institute

Gulf of Maine Research Institute (GMRI) commits to:
1) Providing data-rich informal learning experiences for approximately 9000 middle school youth annually.
2) Provide curriculum resources and professional learning experiences for approximately 300 teachers annually that support the integration of data science learning into middle school classrooms in the context of climate change investigations.
3) Providing public engagement events that allow the general public to have a positive, empowering experience with data and connect it to real world problem solving.

Learning activities & resources;
Raising awareness; Professional development

Hub For Innovation And Research In Statistics Education At The Friday Institute [HI-RiSE @ FI] at NC State University

The Hub for Innovation and Research in Statistics Education [HI-RiSE] commits to provide free on-demand high quality online professional learning experiences in the teaching and learning of statistics and data science for teachers in grades 6-12 and postsecondary settings, starting June 2021. The online professional learning will happen through two modules as part of Amplifying Statistics and Data Science in Classrooms.

Professional development


Edmentum commits to:
1) Refresh and realign our content on a regular basis in an ongoing effort to ensure that we are providing students with the most up-to-date pedagogy and content possible.
2) Utilizing data science in our professional development practices and our product data visualizations for educators.

Curriculum & courses;
Professional development

Education Development Center, Massachusetts Life Sciences Center & MassBioEd Collaborative

The Education Development Center (EDC), Massachusetts Life Sciences Center and MassBioEd Collaborative for the MA Data Science Workforce Challenge commits to:
1) Forming a diverse Massachusetts Data Science Workforce Challenge advisory committee by July 1, 2021.
2) Raising $400,000 to develop a strategic plan to Create a Massachusetts Data Science Workforce that Looks Like America, focused on policy, education, and out-of-school programming by October 1, 2021.
3) Launching the Massachusetts Data Science Workforce Challenge Strategic Plan in mid-February 2022.

Raising Awareness;
Policy; Guidance


Eedi commits to starting a data science in education meetup in the United Kingdom by September 2021.

Raising awareness

Generation STEAM

Generation STEAM commits to increasing visibility of data science careers and professionals through expanded outreach and partnership engagement by June 2022.

Raising awareness


Gooru commits to bringing together three school districts and showing them how they can use data from their existing practices with tools and content to locate all learners for their knowledge, mindsets, and citizenship for each competency, and generate real-time actionable insights for key stakeholders so they may coordinate to accelerate outcomes, by end of the school year 2021-2022. Gooru will grow the number of school districts that are using this approach from three to twenty over three years.



HarvardX commits to offer a range of online, introductory data science classes, and to offer discounts to younger learners for courses like Data Science Ready.

Curriculum & courses
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