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273 Commitments

3 Million





Universities, districts, policymakers and organizations joined our 2021 campaign. 

Learn more about the campaign or navigate the Data Science for Everyone Commitments Directory below to see how districts, universities, states, companies and organizations are all committing to actions that promote data literacy. 

Find potential collaborators, as well as resources and opportunities including free licenses, learning activities, data sets and programs that you can join or use in your data science education practice.


QoreInsights commits to
1) Inviting school districts interested to pilot our Classroom Education Plan (CEP) that provides PD on strategies that facilitate student data science literacy in the 2021-22 school year.
2) Offering webinars on how to understand and mitigate potential bias in AI powered educational products immediately.

Professional development; Guidance

RecapCS - Carnegie Mellon University

RecapCS commits to engaging with 100 high school STEAM+CS teachers across the United States by June 2022 and inviting them to connect with each other using its virtual community of practice, partnering with data science professional development providers to create an online network of interdisciplinary education professionals.

Professional development

SAS Institute Inc.

SAS commits to building and delivering a platform, SAS® DataFly, for collecting and visualizing data by the end of 2021. This free resource offers a fun and engaging way to explore data with students in real time, where students respond to teacher-created polls and instantly see their responses populate a data visualization, such as a bar chart, histogram or scatterplot.

Learning activities & resources; Tools & software

San Diego Unified School District

The San Diego Unified School District commits to:
1) Offering Data Science courses to grades 11 and 12 (2020-21 and forward).
2) Challenge and empower both existing and emerging pathways to career and college readiness by increasing access and opportunities to more upper level mathematics courses for all students.
3) Implementing introductory mathematical modeling using Data Science in grades 6-10 (21-22).
4) Expanding to PreK-5 (22-23)
Our hope is to secure funding for a TK-12 resource teacher position (21-22) to design and implement professional learning opportunities for educators and administrators, foster family outreach, design curriculum, and align the work to post-secondary education expectations.

Curriculum & courses; Professional development

Sequoia Union High School District

SUHSD commits to piloting a new data science course next year and making data science courses available to all students who are interested.

Curriculum & courses


TERC, an educational R&D non-profit, commits to continued and increased work on five data science education projects including curriculum development, scaling and dissemination, educator training, software development, and research and publication with a large number of partners.

Curriculum & courses; Tools & software; Professional development


TeacherPrints commits to developing a tool that can help at least 1000 teachers and teacher trainers improve their students' content mastery by mid-2022.

Tools & software

Quality Information Partners

Quality Information Partners (QIP) commits to developing a Data Skills Awareness Toolkit for school leaders, parents, students, and the general public for the 2021-22 school year that will comprise 6 to 9 products (such as infographics, videos, and social media messages) illustrating WHY developing data skills is crucial for 21st century success.

Raising awareness;


Renaissance, through its Experiential Learning Program in Data Research Methods, commits, by 2023, to:
1) more than triple enrollment
2) add two internship partner schools and ensure that all new partners meet the NCES criteria for high-poverty schools, and/or whose student body is composed of majority-minority students
3) establish school partnerships in multiple cities where Renaissance employees live or work in the US and abroad
4) release instructional resources as open educational resources (OERs)
5) provide a hosted site where graduates of the Renaissance Experiential Learning Program will publish their research projects for the general public

Learning activities & resources; Tools & software

SUNY Fredonia

The College of Education at the State University of New York at Fredonia commits to redesign the science methods courses in our teacher preparation courses to include data science and data literacy as a core teaching focus and strategy for our preservice teachers by the Fall 2021 semester.

Professional development

San Francisco 49ers & SAP

The 49ers and SAP commit to offer rich educational data science resources for K-12 students over the next year.

Learning activities & resources; Curriculum & courses

Speak Agent, Inc.

Speak Agent, Inc. commits to releasing a robust data set for the 2021-2022 school year to the learning sciences research community that will help the field better understand the impact of specific instructional strategies for building foundational data literacy knowledge within K-12 math courses (subject to data sharing agreements).

Open data sets


TNTP commits to:
1) Supporting policies that require data literacy as a graduation requirement in states.
2) Supporting adoption processes for high school courses that modernize the curriculum and incorporate elements of data science into courses across the disciplines.

Raising awareness;
Policy; Guidance


TechGirlz commits to providing free and open source data science curriculum to be utilized by anyone, anywhere and provide free, regular workshops to middle school girls across the globe.

Curriculum & courses


Quorum commits to creating and evaluating data science tools and curriculum that are accessible and take into account the needs of learners with disabilities by 2022.



Riiid commits to share its EdNet dataset of student-system interactions collected by the firm’s multi-platform AI tutoring service by April 30th, 2021.

Open data sets

San Diego County Office Of Education

San Diego County Office of Education commits to incorporating Data Science learning into CTE, Math and Computer Science courses and providing support for Data Science at the district level.

Curriculum & courses; Policy

San Marcos Unified School District

SMUSD commits to:
1) Offering a Data Science course at both high schools in the school year 2021-2022 as a 3rd year mathematics course.
2) Taking every opportunity to educate the community about data science and its connection to post-secondary life.

Curriculum & courses; Raising awareness

Stanford University

youcubed commits to:
1) Conduct research on initial year rollout of data science curriculum to inform implementation in future years.
2) Release teacher professional development videos, featuring classroom sessions filmed during the 2021-22 school year, by summer 2022.
3) Release a high school data science curriculum, with California A-G approval, by summer 2021.

Curriculum & courses; Professional development


Tableau commits to providing Licenses, E-Learning, and Ready Made Curriculum for free to Instructors/Teachers whose goal is to teach Tableau to their students in all disciplines, hosting webinars and workshops, writing blogs and articles, and engaging in committee work.

Tools & software; Learning activities & resources; Raising awareness
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