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273 Commitments

3 Million





Universities, districts, policymakers and organizations joined our 2021 campaign. 

Learn more about the campaign or navigate the Data Science for Everyone Commitments Directory below to see how districts, universities, states, companies and organizations are all committing to actions that promote data literacy. 

Find potential collaborators, as well as resources and opportunities including free licenses, learning activities, data sets and programs that you can join or use in your data science education practice.

The AI Education Project

The AI Education Project commits to creating a standalone lesson plan for non-STEM high school/middle school teachers to implement in their classrooms beginning in Fall 2021, which will help students develop a conceptual understanding of what data is, the ways data is captured to power AI systems in various industries and jobs, and how to interrogate the ethical uses of data by companies and platforms.

Learning activities & resources; Interdisciplinary

The Data Literacy through the Arts team from New York University, the Educational Development Center, and Fordham University

The Data Literacy through the Arts team from New York University, the Educational Development Center, and Fordham University, commits to developing and testing at least four arts- and math-integrated units by July 2022, which will promote middle school students' data literacy, and build the capacity of teachers from across domains to support data literacy.

Learning activities & resources; Professional development; Interdisciplinary

The Pearl Dream, Inc.

DreamGalaxy commits to leverage data stories to engage students, parents and educators on the power of culturally relevant educational media and experiences for lifelong learning and ethical or inclusive leadership starting 2021 over 10 years.

Raising awareness

The University Of Chicago

The University of Chicago Data Science Program at The College commits to expanding our Major and Minor academic programming in collaboration with local community colleges in the Chicago area to help expand access to quality learning in data science.

Curriculum & courses


Tuva commits to make our interactive, easy-to-use, data, graphing, and statistical tools accessible for all students, including those with various learning disabilities, by August 31, 2021.

Learning activities & resources;
Tools & software


UPchieve commits to recruiting 100 additional Statistics tutors by the end of 2021.

Learning activities & resources

University of Tennessee, Knoxville

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, commits to beginning an educational data science graduate certificate program that will be open to enrollment by 08/01/2022.

Curriculum & courses

The Agnes Irwin School

The Agnes Irwin School commits to providing three professional development sessions on data literacy and data science for faculty and staff during the 2021-2022 school year.

Professional development

The Data Lodge, Inc.

The Data Lodge and CEO Valerie Logan commit to engage with the Data Science for Everyone (DSE) coalition on the scoping and framing of the Data Literacy strategy underpinning DSE.


The Reboot Foundation

The Reboot Foundation commits to help elevate the need for better data science education by featuring the topic in a column authored by the foundation’s president and CEO, Helen Lee Bouygues to be published in a national media outlet by September 2021.

Raising awareness

Thinking Media / Learning Blade

Thinking Media commits to introduce over 50,000 students to data science careers using the Learning Blade STEM and Computer Science career exploration system during the 2021-22 school year.

Learning activities & resources

UC San Diego Extension

UC San Diego Extension commits to showcasing program offerings in data science via our UC San Diego Sally Ride Science Junior Academy courses and certificate and teacher and professional development offerings this coming summer, fall, and winter terms.

Curriculum & courses; Professional development

University Of Florida Lastinger Center For Learning

The Lastinger Center for Learning commits to:
1) Incorporating attention to data science within the Math Matrix teacher professional development program for grades 6-12 educators by July, 2022.
2) Making deidentified data about professional learning and student learning in our digital applications available for data science, including public datasets, by July, 2023.
3) Through a new team focused on data and research, sharing our data science work publicly, including through scholarship, by July 2022.

Professional Development; Open data sets; Raising awareness

Utah State Board Of Education

The Utah State Board of Education Secondary Mathematics Community commits to completing the beta-testing of a Data Science Microcredential for Utah teachers to use to demonstrate competency in Data Science teaching and learning best practice by June 15th. 2021

Professional development

The Concord Consortium

The Concord Consortium commits to:
1) Serve as a catalyst collectively with other leading organizations and individuals to foster increased awareness, understanding and implementation of K-12 data science education among stakeholders ranging from teachers and students to researchers, resource developers, parents, policymakers and beyond.

2) Increasing understanding of best practices in K-12 data science education pedagogy, key K-12 data-related competencies for learners, and central design principles for technology and approaches fostering K-12 data fluency.

3) Supporting the Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP) as a free, open source resource for dynamic data exploration, and to expanding the community of CODAP users to include increasing numbers of curriculum developers, teachers, and learners worldwide.

Raising awareness; Tools & software

The Learning Agency Lab

The Learning Agency Lab commits to hosting high school interns to work on projects related to data science during the summer of 2021.

Student programs

The Tech Interactive

The Tech Interactive commits to providing resources that encourage students to explore data to solve real-world problems or assess problems within their community, nationally or globally.

Learning activities & resources; Interdisciplinary


Transcend commits to:
1) Supporting communities throughout the U.S. to develop learning environments that enable all young people to thrive. A key part of this is understanding the trends, fields, and technologies that are shaping the world that students must navigate and be prepared for. The growth and role of data science is essential to many of these trends.
2) Sharing others' materials related to the role of data science in school design with our network of schools throughout the U.S.

Guidance; Raising awareness


UCLA Data Science Initiative commits to supporting teachers across disciplines at both the middle and high school level by designing curriculum-agnostic and curriculum-specific data science professional development to be offered during summer sessions or throughout the school year by summer 2021.

Professional development

University Of Pennsylvania, Penn Center For Learning Analytics

The Penn Center for Learning Analytics at the University of Pennsylvania commits to offering 3 annual internships for high school students, targeting historically underrepresented learners, to participate in our work around data science by the end of 2022.

Student programs
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