> Models for schools, districts, and states
There are many implementation models through which individual schools, school districts, or entire states can integrate data science into K-12 education. Many stakeholders have already developed curricula and lesson plans for K-12 data science, or are actively working to do so.
Explore three possible models below. Many have already been adopted by schools and districts, and some will be soon by entire states. Hear from students who've participated in a data science pilot program here.

Elective Course

Mathematics Curriculum
Various models across the K-12 math curriculum, including pathways and Merge & Purge.
Mathematics Curriculum

Across the Curriculum
Data science modules incorporated across social studies, business, and other content areas.
Across the Curriculum
1-Year Elective Course
> Model: an elective course dedicated to teaching the basics of data science.
> Case study: Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) launch a course with the IDS curriculum in 2014. 3,200 students across 51 schools in Southern California enrolled in the 2020-21 school year. The course is also approved as a "C" course in the University of California A-G requirements, and validates the Algebra II requirement.

Available Curricula:

Mathematics Curriculum
> Model: Various options including a pathways model where data science becomes one available high school math pathway, or Merge & Purge where the traditional math sequence condenses Geometry and Algebra II into a semester courses and integrates a full year of topics in data science, statistics, and mathematical modeling.

Case studies:

Partnered with districts in Georgia, Texas, and Washington on pilot pathways projects.

Proposing a 2+1 model with 2 credits of core math plus one credit of student choice, including data science options.

Partnered with Khan Lab School to pilot a merge and purge model.
Across the Curriculum
> Model: data science modules are incorporated across social studies, business and other courses.
> Case study: NYC Schools has developed a Blueprint for Computer Science Education that includes an emphasis on data science. The district offers schools flexible implementation models including standalone courses and units that can be used integrated across disciplines.

Available programs:
Data Science in the Classroom
Data Science for Everyone supports schools and districts interested in introducing data science curriculum through a variety of program options—from incorporating data science in existing classes to piloting new courses—that prioritize data science content and curricula across disciplines. Many schools, districts, and states, such as the ones in the case studies above, have already integrated data science into K-12 education through new standards, pilot course programs, and expanded pathways.
> Student Testimonies: We are gathering student testimonials to learn more about their experiences with these programs and see what data science looks like in the classroom. One school creating new data science opportunities is Khan Lab School, which piloted a data science course for grades 9-12. We caught up with Sal Khan (founder of Khan Lab School), Chris Lippi (Math Specialist at Khan Lab School), and several students to hear about the program. Watch the full video below, and check out other student voices on our YouTube channel.
Student Testimonials

What Does Data Science Look Like in the Classroom? Feat. Khan Lab School

DS4E: Student Testimonials