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2021 Commitment Progress Recap

It has been a long and productive year for the DS4E Coalition! We are so proud of all of the progress our coalition-members have made throughout the year. We are thankful for our members for continuously supporting the mission to expand access to data science education to all K-12 students!

To show how far we've come, we’ve gathered updates from some of our coalition-members who joined the 2021 Commitments Campaign. Read below to learn about their impact, and what’s next for 2022! We will be launching the 2022 Commitments Campaign this March at SXSW EDU.

You can share updates on your Commitments or work with us at any time via or on Slack.

BiFrost Bridge Studios is developing a digital whiteboard animation series on data science literacy for children.

Big Picture Learning is looking for Data Scientists to add to their mentorship program. Mentors will have the opportunity to engage with youth (locally or virtually) who share similar interests. Sign up to be a mentor here.

BSCS Science Learning launched a series of Live Zoom events dedicated to their Inquiry with FieldScope lesson plans, which encourage students to work with data. Learn more here.

Chris Garrigues from Pendleton School District in Oregon presented at the Oregon Math Leaders conference and is writing articles for The Oregon Math Teacher (TOMT) journal on new data reasoning standards. TOMT is the journal of the Oregon Council of Teachers of Mathematics,, shared with permission. Read the article here.

DataCamp for Classrooms is now free for US and UK teachers! Learn more about the program’s features here.

Dataspire Education & Evaluation LLC partnered with school districts and universities like DS4E coalition-member SUNY Fredonia throughout the year to assist with the integration of data science literacy curriculum in grades 5-12 across disciplines. Learn more about their partnerships here.

Edjacent is offering a free mini-course on “Developing Children’s Data Literacy.” Read their recent blog and visit their website here to learn more.

edX developed 25 free online courses that cover data science topics, and had over 580,000 learners enrolled in their data analysis and statics course since September. Learn about the courses here.

Frederick County Public Schools (VA) is partnering with CodeVA on data science tools training options, as well as hosting webinars and creating micro-credentials!

Georgia State University recently received a $5 million donation to help support their goal of delivering online, self-paced courses that provide micro-credentials in data science to pre-service and in-ser­vice K-12 teachers, locally and nationally. Learn about the donation here.

Just Equations collected student impact stories about their K-12 STEM learning experiences and what got them excited about pursuing data science. Hear from some of these students at Just Equations: The Mathematics of Opportunity National Conference in March. Learn more here.

Mathigon developed Polypad, which is a virtual playground that encourages students to use data science in different ways. They’ve added brand new data science features, including tables, charts, and probability tools like dice, playing cards and spinners to help students visualize data. Try it out here.

Maryland State Department of Education is working to develop an online Data Science course that is accessible to all students.

National Science Foundation hosted the Data Science in Education town hall meeting which explored ways to teach and learn data science, ethical practices, research, and more. Read more about their work here.

NetApp’s Data Explorers program finished its first year in India and North Carolina! The program encourages students to get creative with using data sets to solve problems grounded in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The program is expanding to new countries and students next year. To learn more, visit their website here.

North Carolina State University Data Science Academy is increasing the number of Data Science courses for the 2022 school year, including a Preparing the Data Science Professor and Practitioner program. To learn more, visit their website here.

San Diego Unified School District is continuing their district-wide rollout of their K-12 Data Science education program, with intent to reach over 120k students across 168 TK-12 schools by 2023! Learn about the courses here.

San Francisco 49ers & SAP have added Data Science to their Virtual Lesson Series which fits K-8 academics. Teachers & schools are encouraged to apply. To learn more, visit their website here.

State University of New York at Fredonia is integrating data and data science in their elementary science courses for pre-service teachers for the 2022 school year.

The Eedi Organization has developed a group dedicated to Data Science in Education with over 250 members! The group hosts meetups that involve talks by data scientists from edtech companies or research. Join the group here.

The Young Data Scientists League had 120 students participate in the 2021 Young Data Scientist Quest. The program introduced students to data science in preparation for future careers and taught them how data science can be used to solve real-world problems in their personal lives and communities. Learn about the program’s impact here.

Utah State Board of Education has developed a micro-credential and mentoring program for teachers interested in data science education and have already awarded multiple teachers their Data Science Microcredential since its release in July. View more here.

Be on the lookout for more on our 2022 Commitments Campaign to make your commitments for the new year!



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