Change-makers from policy, philanthropy, industry and STEM education joined our 2022 Commitments Campaign. We received over 60 commitments that would impact over 2 million students, 90k teachers, and 8k school districts. At the beginning of 2023, we were able to connect with some commitment-makers and learn more about the progress they’ve made on their commitments. Needless to say, the Data Science 4 Everyone community is hard at work creating data science change!
As our commitment-makers continue to work towards creating data science education change, here are some of the big issues they are tackling together:
Teacher preparation: Several commitment updates, ranging from school districts to higher education, emphasized teacher preparation and professional development. For example, SUNY Fredonia received NSF funding to build its teacher preparation program and InSTEP with Data at the Friday Institute publicly launched their free professional learning platform. Similarly, the Utah State Board of Education is currently focusing on training teachers to implement a data science program for the 2023-2024 school year.
Growing existing data science programs: Many schools and districts saw remarkable growth in their data science programming. Oxnard Union High School District grew their data science enrollment from 65 to 350 students. KIPP NYC, which has over 1,000 total enrolled students, embedded data science across the lower grades and across subjects. San Diego Unified School District also grew their data science curriculum, with the subject now being offered in middle school and in high school to Data Science 4.
Resource creation: A variety of curriculum providers and education-related organizations created or expanded their data science education resource offerings. For example, CodeVA created three data science sequences, which includes forty-three lessons, that are available for free to Virginia educators. On a larger scale, NetApp partnered with UNESCO and the World’s Largest Lesson to share the impact of data with children worldwide.
We’ve selected commitment updates from some of our coalition members who joined the Commitments Campaign and are excited to share them with you below. Click below to learn more about what they’ve accomplished so far!
We look forward to seeing what our commitment-makers will accomplish in 2023! If you participated in the 2022 Commitments Campaign, you can share your impact updates with us here at any time.