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What Does Data Science Look Like in the Classroom?

Data Science for Everyone supports schools and districts interested in introducing data science curriculum through a variety of program options—from incorporating data science in existing classes to piloting new courses—that prioritize data science content and curricula across disciplines. Many schools, districts, and states, such as the ones in the case studies above, have already integrated data science into K-12 education through new standards, pilot course programs, and expanded pathways.

We are gathering student testimonials to learn more about their experiences with these programs and see what data science looks like in the classroom. One school creating new data science opportunities is Khan Lab School, which which is piloting an innovative data science course for grades 9-12. We caught up with Sal Khan (founder of Khan Lab School), Chris Lippi (Math Specialist at Khan Lab School), and several students to hear about the program. Watch the full video below, and check out other student voices on our YouTube channel.

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