Teaching Data Science
While K-12 data education is a relatively nascent field, there are already a variety of resources for teachers who want to implement data science in the classroom today. Here, schools and teachers can gather resources for implementing data science education into their classrooms ranging from year-long courses to short activities.
Don't see what you're looking for quite yet? Our coalition partners are actively working to create more content, including lesson plans, interactive textbooks, and tools for finding ready-to-use datasets. Be sure to check back often and follow us on social media for the latest updates.
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Bootstrap offers a course curriculum, lesson modules and professional development workshops focused on learning the fundamentals of coding and data analysis. The lesson plans are ready to implement across disciplines, including presentation slides, worksheets for students, and mock datasets when applicable.
6-8, 9-12, College
Lesson Plans, Course Curriculum, Professional Development
Software & Tools:
None required
Al Education Project
The AI Education Project provides instructional resources for teachers to introduce AI concepts to students in an interdisciplinary way, emphasizing the humanities and project-based learning while building on STEM concepts. Lessons include facilitator guides, supplemental materials, and training resources for teachers.
6-8, 9-12
Lesson Plans
Software & Tools:
None required
Code.org provides a wide range of activities designed for students from kindergarten on. While most of their free curriculum resources are designed for computer science and coding skills, there are several Hour of Code activities designed specifically for data science. Code.org also includes teacher guides and a list of relevant standards from the common core and Next Generation Science Standards.
K-5, 6-8, 9-12
Course Curriculum, Lesson Plans
Software & Tools:
Some activities require software, like Java or Python
Callysto is a software tool that helps students and teachers learn and apply data science skills including data analysis, visualization, coding, and computational thinking. Their online PD Course provides teachers the tools to bring data literacy to their classrooms. Grade levels are 5-12 and courses cover all subject areas.
K-5, 6-8, 9-12
Lesson Plans, Professional Development
Software & Tools:
Jupyter Notebook, Python
A Tale of Two Graphs: DS4E Lesson Plan Winner
A Tale of Two Graphs: Education and Immigration in the U.S. is the 2nd place winning lesson plan selected from the DS4E Bite-Sized Lesson Plan Competition. The lesson plan is designed to push students (grades 7+) to apply graph interpretation skills to a current social issue through data analysis and visualizations. It includes slides, a detailed facilitation guide, worksheets, and external resources for students.
6-8, 9-12
Lesson Plans
Software & Tools:
None required
BSCS Invitations to Inquiry
The Invitations to Inquiry initiative provides lesson plans that allow students to work with community and citizen science data from projects hosted on the FieldScope platform. Teachers and students use FieldScope to collect, visualize, and analyze environmental data.
6-8, 9-12
Lesson Plans,
Software & Tools:
CodeHS provides curricula for Data Science through our online learning platform. Our courses introduce and equip students with essential skills of a data scientist which include data collection, cleanup, transformation, analysis, and visualization. CodeHS also provides support for teachers in the form of lesson plans, year-round professional development, and tools for grading and tracking student progress.
Course Curriculum, Lesson Plans, Professional Development, Tools & Curriculum Resources
Software & Tools:
None required
DataClassroom offers lesson plans with accompanying datasets, an internal platform to organize data and create graphs, and professional development trainings for teachers. The internal platform is accessible to both teachers and students who register, and walks users through a multistep data analysis process.
6-8, 9-12, College
Lesson Plans, Professional Development, Tools & Curriculum Resources
Software & Tools:
None required
AWS Spark
Bring the cloud to your classroom: AWS Spark provides secondary school educators with tools and resources to help students gain hands-on experience using the cloud. Units are designed to teach students how to use the AWS Cloud to be technology problem solvers.
Content is built by seasoned STEM teachers with computer science, biology, environmental science, and coaching backgrounds.
Lesson Plans, Professional Development
Software & Tools:
None required
CODAP (Common Online Data Analysis Platform)
CODAP is a data analysis platform offered by the Concord Consortium and available for use by teachers and students. The platform includes sample datasets, and allows for visualization, summarization, and interpretation of data, and offers games and modules for students to practice data reasoning skills.
6-8, 9-12, College
Tools & Curriculum Resources, Lesson plans
Software & Tools:
None required
CodeVA offers K-12 computer science professional learning opportunities, which are free to public school teachers in Virginia and open to all other educators with a nominal fee, as well as computer science curriculum resources.
K-5, 6-8, 9-12
Lesson Plans, Professional Development
Software & Tools:
None required